动画来自中国的熊猫讲述了: In the movie, we will see young Panda travelling from China to Africa to rescue his best friend, Jielong the Dragon, who has been kidnapped. On his journey, young Panda discovers a world completely unknown to him, and faces frightening hippos, suspicious hyenas and wise gorillas. Relying on his wits (and some newfound friends) he makes his way across Africa, before rescuing Jielong and saving his new friends' jungle home.
动画来自中国的熊猫讲述了: In the movie, we will see young Panda travelling from China to Africa to rescue his best friend, Jielong the Dragon, who has been kidnapped. On his journey, young Panda discovers a world completely unknown to him, and faces frightening hippos, suspicious hyenas and wise gorillas. Relying on his wits (and some newfound friends) he makes his way across Africa, before rescuing Jielong and saving his new friends' jungle home.
动画来自中国的熊猫讲述了: In the movie, we will see young Panda travelling from China to Africa to rescue his best friend, Jielong the Dragon, who has been kidnapped. On his journey, young Panda discovers a world completely unknown to him, and faces frightening hippos, suspicious hyenas and wise gorillas. Relying on his wits (and some newfound friends) he makes his way across Africa, before rescuing Jielong and saving his new friends' jungle home.
劳伦斯先生 克兰西·布朗 汤姆·肯尼 迪·布拉雷·贝克尔 比尔·法格巴克 罗里·艾伦 玛丽·乔·卡特利特 凯特·希金斯 罗德格尔·邦帕斯 卡罗琳·劳伦斯 吉尔·塔利 Austin Valli Natalie Kailey Toby Larsen 大卫·尼德姆 Sale Taylor 丽莎·林德 Abbi Ella Gonzales Genesis Clarre
松本梨香 大谷育江 丰口惠美 上田祐司 林原惠美 三木真一郎 犬山犬子 古岛清孝 石冢运升 家弓家正 小樱悦子 伊东美弥子 西村千奈美 川上贵史 川上伦子 津村真琴 小西克幸 逢坂力 仁科洋平 佐藤智惠 阪口大助 三宅健太 山口由里子 丰岛雅美 中井和哉 庄司美代子 木村亚希子 钉宫理惠 早水理沙 坂口候一 园部好德 桑岛法子 我妻正崇 田中正彦 木内秀信 本田贵子 植竹香菜 小岛幸子 小林优 宫泽正 井上喜久子 浅野真澄 三田友子 伊东久美子 上田纯子 阪田伊都 川岛得爱 日笠山亚美 能登麻美子 渡边久