动画来自中国的熊猫讲述了: In the movie, we will see young Panda travelling from China to Africa to rescue his best friend, Jielong the Dragon, who has been kidnapped. On his journey, young Panda discovers a world completely unknown to him, and faces frightening hippos, suspicious hyenas and wise gorillas. Relying on his wits (and some newfound friends) he makes his way across Africa, before rescuing Jielong and saving his new friends' jungle home.
动画来自中国的熊猫讲述了: In the movie, we will see young Panda travelling from China to Africa to rescue his best friend, Jielong the Dragon, who has been kidnapped. On his journey, young Panda discovers a world completely unknown to him, and faces frightening hippos, suspicious hyenas and wise gorillas. Relying on his wits (and some newfound friends) he makes his way across Africa, before rescuing Jielong and saving his new friends' jungle home.
动画来自中国的熊猫讲述了: In the movie, we will see young Panda travelling from China to Africa to rescue his best friend, Jielong the Dragon, who has been kidnapped. On his journey, young Panda discovers a world completely unknown to him, and faces frightening hippos, suspicious hyenas and wise gorillas. Relying on his wits (and some newfound friends) he makes his way across Africa, before rescuing Jielong and saving his new friends' jungle home.
野泽雅子 田中真弓 古谷彻 铃置洋孝 江森浩子 古川登志夫 宫内幸平 鹤广美 庄真由美 龙田直树 渡边菜生子 八奈见乘儿 内海贤二 佐藤正治 真地勇志 里内信夫 银河万丈
花守由美里 田丸笃志 近藤隆 神原大地 永野由祐 高桥广树 铃木千寻 寺岛拓笃 浅沼晋太郎 日野聪 冈本信彦 伊东健人 河本启佑 杉山纪彰 仲村水希 立花慎之介 天崎滉平 三浦胜之 土岐隼一 森川智之 帆世雄一 村濑步